We are "under the blood" but are we in the lamb and is the lamb in us? As slaves to sin and Pharoah systems, we have feasted on the leeks and onions for far too long. As sons, we are called to feast on the lamb. Just like the first Passover, there is a mass exodus from Pharoah structures and systems and a mass entrance into the Kingdom of God. Pharaoh's who only equip slaves to build their empires are being exposed and true fathers that equip sons to advance the Lord's kingdom are being revealed as we behold the lamb.
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We are "under the blood" but are we in the lamb and is the lamb in us? As slaves to sin and Pharoah systems, we have feasted on the leeks and onions for far too long. As sons, we are called to feast on the lamb. Just like the first Passover, there is a mass exodus from Pharoah structures and systems and a mass entrance into the Kingdom of God. Pharaoh's who only equip slaves to build their empires are being exposed and true fathers that equip sons to advance the Lord's kingdom are being revealed as we behold the lamb.
Connect With Remnant Voice
Website: https://www.remnantfireministries.com/teachings
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemnantFireMinistries?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/remnantvoicetv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remnantvoicetv/