Remnant Voice Podcast
Remnant Voice is a teaching and discipleship podcast hosted by Jason Armstrong. Jason is the founder of Remnant Fire Ministries and The Garden Equipping Center. Jason is a teacher who releases kingdom strategies, prophetic insights, and practical revelation that will equip individuals, families, churches, and nations with a burning heart for God and His Kingdom.
59 episodes
American Christianity: Revival Culture
I join Matthew Foley from ISOW Bible College to discuss revival culture. Here are some of the questions we try to answer in this episode. Is focusing on the next revival the key to success for the church? Have we misunderstood the nature of rev...
Season 3
Episode 1

New Remnant Resource Available Now!
Download The Garden Equipping Center App below. Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.u3f68183b142.www&h...

Governing Goshen | 2023/5783 A Prophetic Perspective
Famine is coming are you prepared? Do you know what to be looking for? How can we as believers remain fruitful in a time of famine? There are some keys found in Goshen. In this teaching, you will receive prophetic insights and tools that ...
Season 2
Episode 7

Equipping Center Update: The Planting of a Garden
Join The RemnantConnect below for future details.Don't miss the latest information.Click here to subscribe to our email.Partner with us here:
Season 2
Episode 6

5782 Do you see what I see? Prophetic Insight Into Next Year
Are you prepared for the new year ahead? Do you know what to be looking for? In this teaching, you will receive prophetic insights and tools that will help position your house for the new year. To connect with Jason and watch the lat...
Season 2
Episode 4

Kingdom Culture: Building Prophetic Vocabulary
As believers, there are some practical steps we can do naturally to help build a database of symbols and parabolic language that Holy Spirit will use to help decode our dreams. In this teaching, discover the logistics of language and build your...
Season 2
Episode 3

Kingdom Culture: How To Respond To Dreams
Are you having dreams, but not understanding their meaning? Did you know there are some key steps to receiving the revelation to decode your dreams? Are you missing a step that could unlock your understanding? There is a process of co-lab...
Season 2
Episode 2

Kingdom Culture: Dreams & Visions
I just had a dream, now what? Was that a pizza dream or was there a meaning to that dream? What's the difference between a dream and a vision? Does God still speak through dreams and visions? Is God trying to speak to me in my dreams? There are...
Season 2
Episode 1

Remnant Voice Update: Season Two Coming Soon!
Coming Soon! I just wanted to let everyone know that season two will be launching soon. We will be diving into some amazing topics beginning with Understanding Dreams & Visions and many more. To stay connected just click the link belo...
Season 1
Episode 52

Proof God Is Real w/ Dr. Daniel King
Daniel was called into the ministry when he was five years old and began to preach when he was six. His parents became missionaries to Mexico when he was ten. Daniel spent the next thirteen years ministering in Mexico alongside his parents. Whe...
Season 1
Episode 51

David's Tabernacle with Matthew Lilley
An ancient pattern of worship is re-emerging on the earth. The presence will change everything! Mattew Lilley author of David's Tabernacle: How God's Presence Changes Everything joins me to discuss his upcoming book on the Tabernacle of David a...
Season 1
Episode 50

IYAR: Discerning The Times & Seasons
Have you ever been in a time of transition? How well did you steward that time? The children of Israel were in a time of transition as they were leaving Pharoah and headed to their promised land. In that time of transition, however, they were t...
Season 1
Episode 49

Becoming A House Of Prayer: Birthing Prophetic Promises
Are you wondering why your prophetic promises haven't been fulfilled yet? Have you put them shelf hoping one day for them to come to pass? Did you know there are things you should be doing with those promises? It's time to get those words off t...
Season 1
Episode 48

Behold The Lamb
We are "under the blood" but are we in the lamb and is the lamb in us? As slaves to sin and Pharoah systems, we have feasted on the leeks and onions for far too long. As sons, we are called to feast on the lamb. Just like the first Passov...
Season 1
Episode 47

The Triumphal Entry
As we enter Holy Week, we take a look at the triumphal entry of Jesus through fresh tears. How quickly do we as believers go from shouting Hosanna in the highest to Crucify him when Jesus doesn't do what we thought he should do. The children of...
Season 1
Episode 46

A Time Of Resurgence with Jason Ford
Jason Ford shares what he is perceiving in this season as a time of resurgence. Resurgence can be defined as an increase or revival after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence. Merriam Webster defines resurgence as rising...
Season 1
Episode 45

Becoming A House Of Prayer: The King's Gate
It's one thing to go to a house of prayer, it's another to become a house of prayer. Plots and plans of the enemy are revealed when we become a house of prayer. In this message, we look at how Esther and Mordecai became houses of pr...
Season 1
Episode 44

Gardners In The Good Land Part 3: Seeing From The Mountain, Seeding In The Valley
After crossing over, overcoming, and occupying our land of promise, we must now become good stewards of what we just inherited. We love promises and prophetic words when they are in the distance, but how do we respond when it's the time of fulf...
Season 1
Episode 43

Gardners In The Good Land Part 2: Crossover, Overcome, Occupy
Have you chosen the good report or the evil report? We must partner with what the Lord has promised and not what the world has said or is saying. In order to occupy our land of promise, there are somethings we need to dispossess. There is...
Season 1
Episode 42

Gardners In The Good Land Part 1
Have you been given a land of promise? Do you know how to step into that land and take possession of it? There is a process to occupying the territory of promise. You must become a co-laborer with Christ. It's time to be a Gardner In The Good L...
Season 1
Episode 41

Hating Evil, Loving Enemies
Is our love hypocritical if we cling to what is good and then just tolerate what is evil? Most of us tolerate evil until we are affected by it then we move to hate it. Scripture makes it clear. We are not to tolerate evil, we are to hate it. Do...
Season 1
Episode 40

False Disciples?
Not everyone who confesses to being a disciple of Christ is truly a disciple. Just as there are false teachers, false prophets, and false apostles there are false disciples. What are the marks of a false disciple and a true disciple? ...
Season 1
Episode 39

The Kingdom: The Fire & The Fuller Part 2
Has the bridal garments become spotted, wrinkled, and blemished? How do we wash our garments? Discover how the garments become pure with the fuller's soap.Connect With Remnant VoiceWebsite:
Season 1
Episode 38