Remnant Voice Podcast
Remnant Voice is a teaching and discipleship podcast hosted by Jason Armstrong. Jason is the founder of Remnant Fire Ministries and The Garden Equipping Center. Jason is a teacher who releases kingdom strategies, prophetic insights, and practical revelation that will equip individuals, families, churches, and nations with a burning heart for God and His Kingdom.
Remnant Voice Podcast
The Triumphal Entry
As we enter Holy Week, we take a look at the triumphal entry of Jesus through fresh tears. How quickly do we as believers go from shouting Hosanna in the highest to Crucify him when Jesus doesn't do what we thought he should do. The children of Israel were looking for a political deliverance, a conquering king, instead they got a crucified one. Many believers love a popular Christianity, but not a persecuted one. Are you still gonna hold your palm branch of praise in the midst of persecution?
Connect With Remnant Voice
Website: https://www.remnantfireministries.com/teachings
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/theremnantfire
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/remnantvoicetv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remnantvoicetv/