Remnant Voice Podcast
Remnant Voice is a teaching and discipleship podcast hosted by Jason Armstrong. Jason is the founder of Remnant Fire Ministries and The Garden Equipping Center. Jason is a teacher who releases kingdom strategies, prophetic insights, and practical revelation that will equip individuals, families, churches, and nations with a burning heart for God and His Kingdom.
Remnant Voice Podcast
Becoming A House Of Prayer: Birthing Prophetic Promises
Are you wondering why your prophetic promises haven't been fulfilled yet? Have you put them shelf hoping one day for them to come to pass? Did you know there are things you should be doing with those promises? It's time to get those words off the shelf and get ready to birth them.
Connect With Remnant Voice
Website: https://www.remnantfireministries.com/teachings
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RemnantFireMinistries?sub_confirmation=1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/remnantvoicetv
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/remnantvoicetv/
Parler: https://parler.com/profile/remnantvoice/posts